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OpenXML SpreadsheetML Simple Spreadsheet Creation

OpenXML SpreadsheetML Simple Spreadsheet Creation Simple WinForms for the creation of an Excel Spreadsheet using the Microsoft Office OpenXML 2.0 SDK. Requires Reference to DocumentFormat.OpenXML and I believe WindowsBase. Project is a simple WinForm with a button. Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging Imports DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Spreadsheet Imports System.IO Public Class Form1 Private mOutputDir As String = My.Computer.FileSystem.SpecialDirectories.AllUsersApplicationData Private mFileName … Continue reading

The class xxxx can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again.

The class xxxx can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer again. I had a namespace declaration in the code … Continue reading

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